Each year, Alli's school holds a Celebration of Cultures, where each country puts on a 3 minute presentation, usually involving dancing and music, in celebration of their host country. It is an effort totally run by the PTO, and it a wonderful day. Last year, yours truly ran the USA team, and took no photos, but this year, I took a smaller volunteer role, and Alli decided she wanted to be on stage. This year, the US decided to teach their friends about American football. Alli performed in front of about 1200 people - I was so proud. And also amazed, because she REFUSED to participate in any rehearsal, and then stepped right onto stage and knew all the cheers and moves. Say what?? She did not inherit that from me! Prepare yourself for the costume cuteness, complete with matching red/blue nails and tattoos...
And I had our family tailor make all the costumes for the USA performance, so she and her husband threw one in for free, we just HAD to use it.....
I found your blog through Kelly's Korner and have enjoyed looking at the photos. My husband and I love Vietnam, having been there twice to adopt two sons. Thanks for sharing.