Saturday, 10 March 2012

Ze artiste

It was time again for the annual student art show at Alli's school. This year we went to opening night, which was lovely. They had students playing music, as well. Just like last year, the work produced by these children, is really amazing. Alli was more interested in the music this year.But Amelia was enthralled with the photographs, which were stunning. And here is our resident artiste, tattoos and all. She also is sporting greasy, end-0f-day school hair, along with bags under her eyes from no napping - so all in all, she looks exactly like all good painters, right?I loved the suprise of seeing her painting and comparing it with last years. It is truly amazing how her drawing has grown during the last year alone. Alli is such an active child, and always has been, that it is only within the last six months that she has begun drawing herself, her friends, her family with detail - it is a really fun milestone!

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